
Q&A: Nicaragua and Central America Tarpon and Snook Fishing


I’m Headed to Nicaragua in mid march. Some deep water tarpon in ocean and river snook and rainbow bass. What are your suggestions.

- Jen


The guidelines and techniques for tarpon and snook fishing around the world are pretty consistent. You will run into a few different scenarios, but the baits and rigging remain consistent.

When targeting tarpon holding in deep river systems, you can target them two ways.

Surface Presentation: Typically, during early morning and late evening, tarpon will be seen rolling along the waters surface. During this time, using an unweighted presentation is the most effective. Top choices would be the 10inch Hogy Original paired with The 10/0 unweighted swim bait hook. Color choice would be bone and bubble gum.

Fish Holding Deep: Targeting deep fish can be challenging sometimes, as they may not be actively feeding. Presenting a bait and triggering a reaction strike is your best best for success. In order to get down deep, you’ll have to use weighted rigging. Hogy X – Strong Jig Heads in the 1/2oz or 1oz size would be my first choice, but you may have to go up to 3 ounces depending on current. The Hogy 10inch HDUV Jiggin’ Series is a perfect match for jig head rigging. Bone and bubble gum again would be my top choice.


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